During the MakerFaire Hannover 2017 a young Steampunk visited the booth of the Arduino Group Hannover together with his father. He was very interested in the USB sticks. After only two days I got an email. He sent me a link to a video, in which he showed the building of a stick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17N00bFfupE.

Fantastic work, Marc!

Hi everybody – Daniel MakerBear is writing again. This time from the MakerFaire Berlin 2016 (and with an own account on the blog of my human Daniel LeMath).

The MakerFaire Berlin took place September 30 to October 2, 2016 – this time in the “Station”. The “Old Post Station” from last year seems to be too small for the many makers this year. Again this is a very appropriate location. As usual I went along with my human Daniel LeMath and the Arduino Group Hannover.

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After testing the single modules for a sensor I finished the combination. Now the ESP8266 reads the temperature and humidity and sends them to the MQTT broker together with the actual voltage and the number of attempts to make a connection to the broker. The later is useful, because the ESP cannot reliably connect to the broker. I don’t know the reason, some investigation is necessary.

A photo and the circuit are in the earlier post.

As usual the code is on github.

After a lot of gambling around with a breadboard and afterwards soldering on a perfboard, I finished the first version of the sensor, which I want to spread in my flat. So the hardware is finished (for now – there are ideas for improvement). For the software I tested the individual parts.

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During the last MakerFaire Hannover, I found the very nice RGBDigits by Coen de Bruijn. I purchased the clock shield with 4 RGBDigits and a real time clock.

Room temperature 24°C

Room temperature 24°C


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It’s me again – Daniel MakerBear. Last weekend from May 27 to May 29, 2016 the MakerFaire Hannover 2016 took place. And of course I accompanied Daniel LeMath and the Arduino Group Hannover as I did last year in Berlin. And again there was a bunch of interesting things to see.

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Meanwhile I switched from RRDtool to gnuplot for the graphics. I didn’t understand the averaging in RRDtool completely, and I’m more comfortable with gnuplot.

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The first step of my sensor network is completed. A BMP280 barometer sensor, a Raspberry Pi with an MQTT broker, a round robin database, an apache webserver and some Python and shell magic.

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Finally I programmed some patterns for the NeoPixel rings.

Unfortunately the colours are not as bright as in real life.

The description of the patterns is below:

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Now I have a small house connected to the world. Normally its a house to be illuminated by a tee light. Now it is equipped with an 8mm WS2812 LED. The LED is controlled by an Arduino (sketch), which is connected with a USB cable to a Raspberry Pi. On the Raspberry runs a little Python program, which gets in regular intervals the actual colour from cheerlights. The world can change the colour via a tweet, e.g. “#cheerlights green”.
