Archive for the ‘Raspberry Pi’ Category

Meanwhile I switched from RRDtool to gnuplot for the graphics. I didn’t understand the averaging in RRDtool completely, and I’m more comfortable with gnuplot.


The first step of my sensor network is completed. A BMP280 barometer sensor, a Raspberry Pi with an MQTT broker, a round robin database, an apache webserver and some Python and shell magic.


Now I have a small house connected to the world. Normally its a house to be illuminated by a tee light. Now it is equipped with an 8mm WS2812 LED. The LED is controlled by an Arduino (sketch), which is connected with a USB cable to a Raspberry Pi. On the Raspberry runs a little Python program, which gets in regular intervals the actual colour from cheerlights. The world can change the colour via a tweet, e.g. “#cheerlights green”.


My wife prepared the lunch and had to defrost some spinach. So I decided to “help” her. I prepared the Raspberry Pi with the camera.



Here is a little enhancement for the Cheerlights sketch. I’ve attached a servo, which shall ring a little bell. Alas, the servo is to slow to have a hearable effect on the bell – the sound of the servo is louder than the ringing of the bell.


I gambled around with the Raspberry Pi: installed the LAMP stack and gnuplot. For a first test I created a shell script which logs the temperature of the core, logs it into a file, and creates a graph:

For the Christmas tree I wanted to have a light controlled by the community via Cheerlights. Unfortunatly the RedFly shield had lots of problems, so I activated my Raspberry Pi, which lay around for have a year. The Raspi installation had no problems; Raspbian, Ethernet with DHCP, Wifi with fixed IP.