Posts Tagged ‘LoL shield’
Next in LoL Shield history: a sort of “growth simulation”:
- Place a particle (say: light a LED) at a random place on the shield.
- start a new particle at (0, 0).
- move this particle randomly; north, south, east or west.
- if the particle hits a placed one, fix it at its last free place.
- repeat from 2. until (0, 0) is occupied.
- then blink the result, clear the screen and start at 1.
If the movement crosses a border then move to the other side. Mathematically spoken: we are on a torus.
First a short video
For a long time I’m addicted to blinking LEDs, so it was only natural to buy a LoL Shield by Jimmie P. Rogers. I ordered it at Watterott and – as usual – they delivered very quickly. With trembling hands I unpacked the parts – and decided to wait until tremor disappeared. After reading some descriptions of the assembly and watching this recommendable video from Super Awesome Sylvia. I started to solder the 126 LEDs; a good exercise.