Archive for the ‘Arduino’ Category

The LED cube from freetronics and the LoL shield side by side.



See my old posts:






The Arduino Group Hannover is again on the MakerFaire Hannover. This time the faire is two days long (and it is not sooooo hot as last year).

Here is our booth:

Booth of Arduino Group Hannover on the MakerFaire Hannover 2014

Booth of Arduino Group Hannover on the MakerFaire Hannover 2014

I took the photo just after the opening. During the day one couldn’t see the booth, especially the part with the gameduinos.

Here is a little enhancement for the Cheerlights sketch. I’ve attached a servo, which shall ring a little bell. Alas, the servo is to slow to have a hearable effect on the bell – the sound of the servo is louder than the ringing of the bell.


For the Christmas tree I wanted to have a light controlled by the community via Cheerlights. Unfortunatly the RedFly shield had lots of problems, so I activated my Raspberry Pi, which lay around for have a year. The Raspi installation had no problems; Raspbian, Ethernet with DHCP, Wifi with fixed IP.

The WingFly shield from Watterott lets you screw cables onto the Arduino instead of sticking them into the headers. This is very practical for prototyping.


WingFly Shield

Just soldered: compass modul LSM303DLHC, 3D compass and accelerometer. From Pololu, ordered at Watterott.

I will need this for my Steampunk outfit.

Next in LoL Shield history: a sort of “growth simulation”:


  1. Place a particle (say: light a LED) at a random place on the shield.
  2. start a new particle at (0, 0).
  3. move this particle randomly; north, south, east or west.
  4. if the particle hits a placed one, fix it at its last free place.
  5. repeat from 2. until (0, 0) is occupied.
  6. then blink the result, clear the screen and start at 1.

If the movement crosses a border then move to the other side. Mathematically spoken: we are on a torus.



First a short video


For a long time I’m addicted to blinking LEDs, so it was only natural to buy a LoL Shield by Jimmie P. Rogers. I ordered it at Watterott and – as usual – they delivered very quickly. With trembling hands I unpacked the parts – and decided to wait until tremor disappeared. After reading some descriptions of the assembly and watching this recommendable video from Super Awesome Sylvia. I started to solder the 126 LEDs; a good exercise.


This is a new version of the evil spider. I’ve replaced the LED in the head with two smaller LEDs in the eyes. This way the brightening is easier to see.

Some close-up photos are at the end of this post – if you fear spiders, scroll slowly down to the image with breadboard 😉

(BTW: at 00:10 you can see Daniel)

The source code is rather simple:


Finally my birthday present arrived: the Cube4, a 4x4x4 RGB LED cube by freetronics.The assembly was rather simple due to the good instructions an the freetronics site and the detailed video. Because I’ve been a little impatient, the cube is not 100% rectangular. The first own skteches were no problem. It’s a lot of fun to view the colourful cube.
Unfortunatly I cannot upload sketches since yesterday evening. I’m in contact with John from freetronics. So a word concerning the support of freetronics: wonderful! Quick and competent.

The patterns are:

  • drops: falling drops in different colours;
  • lines: rotating diagonals;
  • loop: a sort of a fountain;
  • defColours: show all pre-defined colours;
  • fill: all LEDs white, then change to random colours;
  • plane: shift planes from bottom to top;
  • single: random LEDs with random colours;
  • RGBCube: show RGB values from #000000, which has coordinates (0, 0, 0) to #FFFFFF, which has coordinates (3, 3, 3). Red on x axis, green on y, blue on z;
  • defColoursBlink: blink whole cube with pre-defined colours.

If this intro has finished, the patterns repeat in random order.

If someone has an idea how to make a better video, please let me know.